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  • 发布时间 : 2023-12-26
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医疗缝合线编织机系列主要适应于医疗行业、极细线束行业、工程硏究等。主体包括 :编织主机,牵引机构、润滑系统、电气控制系统。医用编织机机身全部采用伺服电栩区动,PLC触 摸屏采用中、英双语界面;此系列医疗缝合线编织机专业用于可吸收与不可吸收的手术缝 合线编织”适用于外科、骨科、运动医学等以及其他手术。设备配有电脑触摸屏控制系统 ,编织性能精密稳定,伺服力恒张力力矩收线,收线平稳。


Medical suture braiding machine are mainly adapted to the medical industry, ul-tra-fi ne wire ham ess in dustry, en gineering research, etc. It includes: the braiding ma-chine, the traction mechanism, the lubrication system, and the electrical control system. The braiding machine adopts servo-driven motors and is equipped with a PLC touch screen. It adopts a Chinese and English visions; this series of medical suture braiding machines are professionally used for braiding absorbable and non-absorbable surgical sutures, suitable for surgery, orthopedics, sports medicine, etc. and other ope rati ons. The braidi ng machi ne is equipped with a computer touch scree n control system, the braiding performs nee is precise and stable, the servo force and constant tension torque take-up, and the take-up is stable.





本文网址 : https://braidercn.com/product/307.html

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